External collaboration

Streamline collaboration with external partners

Create shared workspaces to allow guests to upload directly to your workspace. Leave comments, discuss, review and make decisions in context. Easily update access permissions any time.

Send, share and receive content in one centralized tool

Collaborate faster and more efficiently with shared Fabric workspaces.

Shared workspaces

Create a share link for any workspace and set permissions for comments, downloads, uploads, and versions. Even add a password, for peace of mind.

Collaborate in context

Gather everything into a collaborative space, and review, add commentary and work together. All in a single, centralized location. No more scattered interactions and fragmented work across multiple tools.

Collect content from guests

Partners and freelancers can upload content directly into your workspace. Never lose a delivery in your inbox again!

Granular user permissions

Control who sees what, when. Give guests access to your entire teamspace, a single workspace, or just add them to specific documents. Job done? Expire the link to remove access.

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